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From a cafe waitress to a marketing intern, let her tell you the secret behind her success!

Student's Sharing

Position: Marketing

Location: Toronto

Hi, I am Angie, and arrived at Toronto at the age of 19 to attempt to achieve a degree on Marketing. In the beginning, I have no intention of immigrating to Canada. Thus, while studying, I was just doing part-time jobs in cafes, restaurants and convenience stores. After two years in college, I was successfully admitted in York University for the bachelor of Business with the support of my family. Under the influence of my peers, I naively believed, once graduated, with a three-year working visa, finding a job will not be a problem. In addition, once I have found a nice job, I will soon be able to immigrate to Canada easily. Although I have decided to immigrate to Canada, I have experienced great difficulties in finding a suitable job after graduating.

After finishing my bachelor, while doing a part-time job in a cafe, I have been sending out hundreds of resumes in the hope of finding a job. However, because I have never participated in any co-op in the college and all my working experience was as either a waitress or a cashier, I barely have any working experience in the field of marketing. In Canada, working experience always tends to outweigh a certificate. Thus, I keep failing in finding a dream job.

Despite the fact that I have sent out hundreds of resumes, I have been offered little interview opportunities. Even though I was invited to several interviews, I have never successfully convinced the employers that I was their best choice. I have failed my interview in some media-related company, failed a phone interview in Telus. Although I was successfully put on the short list of a company, I once again lost my chance during the second-round interview.

When I felt that there was no way out, one of my friend has recommended me Ecare, and suggested me to sign up for Ecare Internship Program. After reviewing my resume, the mentor at Ecare advised me to not to be trapped by traditional ideal of a resume, but be confident to highlight my strength. Under her help, I have learned to modify my resume based on different companies, as well as to write my own coverletter, to ensure that my resume can catch HRs’ eyes. The mentor further suggested me to start my career as an intern first based on my little working experience. Ecare has been looking for potential companies on my behalf, and always arranged me mock interviews before each interview. As a result, I was able to present myself confidently and fully during my interviews.

Within a month, I have been offered an intern in the company Marketing Operation. Due to my hard-work, I was offered a job immediately after the internship. Up till now, I have been working for 8 weeks, and I have been positive about employee welfare and profession potentials.

Thanks Ecare for helping out when I almost lost my hope in finding myself a dream job. I hope all students who are experiencing what I have experienced can all find a way out, and find the help they need.



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